
How to conduct effective sales QBRs

Boost Your Sales Success: How to Conduct Effective QBRs. Learn more in our guide!

Author Profile: 

Frank Welsch-Lehmann is a sales strategist and consultant with 20+ years of experience in sales pipeline management.  

Frank‘s purpose is to ensure sellers have the skills they need to win in digital markets.


As a business leader, you know that sales play a crucial role in driving growth and revenue. However, it's not enough to simply track your sales team's numbers and hope for the best. You need to take a more strategic approach by conducting effective sales QBRs (Quarterly Business Reviews) that enable you to a review past performance, set future goals, and ensure that everyone involved is aligned with your overall business objectives. In this article, we'll explore how to conduct successful sales QBRs that help you achieve your sales targets and drive business growth.

Understanding the importance of sales QBRs

Sales QBRs are a key component of any sales organization's ongoing performance management and strategic planning. They provide an ideal opportunity to review progress against corporate, departmental, and individual goals, highlight areas for improvement, and develop strategies for the upcoming quarter. As such, they are essential in helping every member of your sales team understand how their contributions are impacting the overall direction of your business.

One of the key benefits of sales QBRs is that they provide a platform for open and honest communication between sales team members and leadership. This communication allows for the sharing of ideas, feedback, and concerns, which can help to improve team morale and contribute to a more positive and productive work environment.

What is a sales QBR?

A sales QBR is a periodic meeting held between a sales team and its leadership (e.g. the VP of Sales, Sales Managers, Sales Directors, etc.) to review and analyze past performance, and plan for future growth. These meetings typically occur quarterly but can be held bi-annually or annually, depending on the size and complexity of the sales organization. During these meetings, past performance is reviewed, new goals are set, and strategies to improve future performance are discussed.

These meetings are also an opportunity to discuss any challenges that the sales team may be facing and to brainstorm solutions to overcome them. This can include identifying areas where additional training or resources may be needed, or exploring new sales strategies to help drive growth.

Why are sales QBRs crucial for business growth?

Business growth is rooted in a company's ability to meet the needs of customers and maintain or expand its customer base. Sales QBRs help your company achieve its growth objectives by providing a framework for assessing the state of the current business, identifying areas of risk and opportunities, and crafting initiatives to efficiently scale the business.

During these meetings, you can also identify any emerging trends in your industry or market that may impact your business and develop strategies to capitalize on these trends. This can include exploring new markets or products or developing new sales channels to reach a wider audience.

Ultimately, sales QBRs are a critical tool for any sales organization looking to achieve sustained growth and success. By providing a forum for open communication, strategic planning, and performance review, they help to ensure that your sales team is aligned with your business goals and equipped with the resources they need to succeed.


Preparing for a successful sales QBR

The success of your sales QBR depends largely on the preparation work that is done beforehand.

Here are some important steps to prepare for a successful sales QBR:

Setting clear objectives

Before you begin to plan your sales QBR, you need to establish clear objectives for the meeting. These objectives should be aligned with your business goals and objectives. For example, if your key objective is to increase revenue for the upcoming quarter, you should focus your meeting agenda on strategies to increase sales and identify areas for improvement that need to be addressed.

It is important to involve all stakeholders in the objective-setting process to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This will help to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings during the meeting. By setting clear objectives, you can ensure that the meeting stays on track, and that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Gathering relevant data and insights

The sales QBR will not be successful without relevant data insights. When preparing for the sales QBR, ensure that you have access to accurate and relevant data. The data should include information such as customer conversion rates, customer acquisition cost, win-loss rates, average deal size, cross-selling and upselling rates, and other key performance indicators.

It is important to analyze the data and identify trends and patterns. This will help you to identify areas of improvement and develop strategies to address them. By having access to relevant data and insights, you can make informed decisions and ensure that the meeting is productive and effective.

Creating an engaging agenda

An engaging and well-planned agenda is essential for a successful QBR. When creating your agenda, focus on the topics that align with your objectives and ensure that they are relevant to the attendees.

Consider including guest speakers or subject matter experts to provide additional insights and perspectives. This will help to keep the meeting engaging and informative. It is also important to allocate sufficient time for each agenda item and to allow for questions and discussion.

The attendees should leave the meeting with a clear understanding of the main discussion points and the actions required to achieve them. A comprehensive agenda with clear action plans will help improve accountability and promote engagement throughout the sales organization.


By following these steps, you can ensure that your sales QBR is productive, effective, and engaging. Setting clear objectives, gathering relevant data and insights, and creating an engaging agenda are all essential components of a successful sales QBR. By involving all stakeholders and working towards common goals, you can drive sales growth and achieve your business objectives.


Conducting the sales QBR

Once you have prepared for your sales QBR, it's time to conduct the meeting.

Here are some useful strategies to make the meeting as productive as possible:

Establishing a positive environment

Start your QBR on a positive note by creating a welcoming and inclusive environment. Encourage attendees to participate in the discussion, ask questions, make suggestions, and provide feedback. Try to avoid negative feedback that can discourage the team from going forward.

One way to establish a positive environment is to begin by reviewing the team's accomplishments. Highlighting the team's successes can help to create a sense of pride and motivation among team members. You can also use this time to recognize individual contributions and celebrate the team's hard work.

Set new goals and objectives

Based on your review of past performance, set new goals and objectives for the upcoming quarter or period. Make sure that these goals are aligned with your overall business objectives and are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

During this process, involve all stakeholders and encourage input from everyone. This will help to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that the objectives are achievable and realistic.

Develop strategies for improving performance

Identify the areas where the sales team needs to improve to achieve their new goals and objectives. This could include improving sales processes, providing additional training, or exploring new sales strategies.

Brainstorm ideas and develop strategies to address these areas of improvement. Make sure that these strategies are actionable and include specific steps that need to be taken to implement them.

Create an action plan

Once you have identified your new goals and objectives and developed strategies for improving performance, create an action plan. This plan should include specific steps that need to be taken, the individuals responsible for each step, and a timeline for completion.

Make sure that the action plan is clear and concise and that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. By creating a detailed action plan, you can improve accountability and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.


Involving the right stakeholders

Finally, to ensure that your sales QBR meets its objectives, it's essential to involve the right stakeholders. These stakeholders can include your sales team, your management team, or the sales force. Here are some useful tips for engaging relevant stakeholders:

Identifying key participants

Ensure that you have the right people in the room. The sales QBR should involve individuals from various teams such as sales, marketing, finance, and operations to ensure that everyone's perspective and expertise is considered throughout the process.

It's important to have a diverse range of perspectives in the room to ensure that all aspects of the business are considered. For example, involving the finance team can help identify any financial constraints that may impact sales growth, while involving the marketing team can help identify any upcoming campaigns that may influence sales.

Ensuring cross-functional collaboration

Your sales QBR should involve cross-functional collaboration to ensure that everyone's perspectives are aligned. That way, you can address the largest cross-functional challenges that will help drive the most significant revenue growth. Collaborate throughout the meeting to ensure everyone is caught up with the latest statistics.

Collaboration is essential to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives. Encourage open communication and active participation from all stakeholders to ensure that everyone's ideas are heard and considered.

Engaging external partners and clients

Ensure that external partners and clients understand the purpose and objectives of the sales QBR meeting. Involve them throughout the process so that they can contribute to a more informed discussion and help identify trends that may impact the business.

External partners and clients can provide valuable insights into the market and customer behavior. Their input can help identify emerging trends and opportunities that may not be immediately apparent to the internal team. Additionally, involving them in the process can help build stronger relationships and increase their investment in the success of the business.

Overall, involving the right stakeholders is crucial to the success of your sales QBR. By incorporating a diverse range of perspectives and promoting collaboration, you can ensure that your team is aligned and working towards shared objectives. Don't forget to engage external partners and clients to gain valuable insights and build stronger relationships.



Sales QBRs are essential for any sales organization looking to achieve sustained growth and success. By reviewing past performance, setting new goals and objectives, and developing strategies for improving performance, you can help your sales team to align with your business objectives and achieve their targets.

Remember to involve all stakeholders in the process, encourage open and honest communication, and create a comprehensive action plan. By following these steps, you can conduct a successful sales QBR that drives growth and revenue for your business.

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