
The benefits of using visual aids during sales OBRs

Boost your sales OBRs and seal the deal by adding visual aids. Learn how to enhance your presentations and win over clients with impactful visuals.

Author Profile: 

Frank Welsch-Lehmann is a sales strategist and consultant with 20+ years of experience in sales pipeline management.  

Frank‘s purpose is to ensure sellers have the skills they need to win in digital markets.


As a sales professional, you understand the value of effective communication when presenting to potential customers. One tool that can greatly enhance your ability to communicate with clients is the use of visual aids during sales opportunity business reviews (OBRs).

Understanding the importance of visual aids in sales OBRs

Sales OBRs are a critical opportunity to showcase your products or services to potential customers, and visual aids can help you make the most of this opportunity. Visual aids can help you organize and present information in a clear, concise and engaging way, making it easier for customers to follow what you're saying and understand the value you're offering.

What are sales OBRs?

Sales OBRs are meetings with potential clients where you present your products or services and explain how they can benefit the client. The presentation typically covers the product's features, benefits, and pricing, and is an opportunity to answer any questions the client may have.

Why use visual aids in sales OBRs?

Visual aids make it easier to engage clients and keep their attention during the presentation. They can help you simplify complex information, making it easier for clients to understand the key messages you're trying to convey. Additionally, visual aids can help you make your presentation more memorable, which is crucial in the highly competitive world of sales.

One example of a visual aid that can be used in sales OBRs is a product demo. A product demo can help clients visualize how your product works and how it can benefit them. By showing the product in action, you can help clients understand the product's features and benefits more clearly, and provide them with a tangible example of how the product can help them.

Another visual aid that can be effective in sales OBRs is a slide deck. A slide deck can help you organize your presentation and provide clients with a clear outline of the key points you will be covering. Additionally, a slide deck can be customized to include images, charts, and graphs that can help you illustrate your points and make your presentation more engaging.

Using visual aids in sales OBRs can also help you build credibility with clients. By demonstrating that you have put time and effort into creating a professional and engaging presentation, you can show clients that you are committed to providing them with high-quality products and services.

In conclusion, visual aids can be an effective tool for sales professionals looking to make the most of their sales OBRs. By using visual aids such as product demos and slide decks, sales professionals can simplify complex information, engage clients, and build credibility, ultimately helping them close more deals and achieve greater success.


Types of visual aids for sales OBRs

When it comes to sales OBRs, it's important to keep your audience engaged and interested in your message. One way to do this is by using visual aids. There are several types of visual aids that can help you make your sales OBRs more engaging and memorable.

Here are a few examples:

PowerPoint presentations

PowerPoint presentations are a great way to visually organize and present information during a sales OBR. You can use bullet points, charts, graphs, and images to complement your message and make your presentation more engaging. However, it's important to remember that your PowerPoint should not be the focus of your presentation. It should simply enhance your message and help you communicate your ideas more effectively.


Infographics are an effective way to visualize complex data or processes, making it easier for customers to understand your value proposition. They are also visually appealing, making your presentation more memorable. Using infographics can help you simplify complex information and make it more accessible to your audience.

Videos and animations

Short videos or animations can be used to demonstrate product features in action, or you can use them to explain complex concepts to clients in a simple, easy-to-understand format. Videos and animations can help you bring your message to life and make it more engaging for your audience. However, it's important to keep your videos short and to the point, so that they don't detract from your main message.

Interactive tools

Interactive tools like product demos or simulations can give customers a hands-on experience with your product, allowing them to visualize how it can benefit them in real life, and increasing their engagement with your message. Interactive tools can help you create a more immersive experience for your audience, and can help you build a stronger connection with them. However, it's important to make sure that your interactive tools are relevant to your message, and that they don't distract from your main message.

By using visual aids like PowerPoint presentations, infographics, videos and animations, and interactive tools, you can create a more engaging and memorable sales OBR that will help you communicate your message more effectively to your audience. Remember to keep your visual aids relevant to your message, and to use them to enhance your message, not distract from it.


Enhancing communication with visual aids

Visual aids can be a powerful tool to enhance communication during sales OBRs. They can help you simplify complex information, capture attention, maintain engagement, and facilitate better understanding.

Here are some ways you can use visual aids to achieve these goals:

Simplifying complex information

One of the biggest challenges during a sales OBR is to explain complex concepts in a way that your clients can easily understand. Visual aids can help you simplify these concepts and make them more accessible to your clients. For example, you can use diagrams, charts, or graphs to illustrate complex data or processes. These visual aids can help your clients see the big picture and understand how different pieces of information fit together.

Capturing attention and maintaining engagement

During a sales OBR, it's important to capture your clients' attention and hold their interest throughout your presentation. Visual aids can help you achieve this goal by making your presentation more dynamic and engaging. For example, you can use videos, animations, or interactive presentations to demonstrate your products or services. These visual aids can help your clients visualize how your products or services work and how they can benefit from them.

Facilitating better understanding

Visual aids can also help your clients understand your message more quickly and easily. By using visual aids to illustrate your points, you can help your clients see the benefits of your products or services more clearly. For example, you can use before-and-after photos to show how your products or services can make a difference in your clients' lives. You can also use customer testimonials or case studies to demonstrate how your products or services have helped other clients in the past.

Visual aids are highly effective in improving communication during sales OBRs. They help in simplifying complex information, capturing attention, maintaining engagement, and facilitating better understanding. By incorporating visual aids into your sales presentations, you can enhance their effectiveness and enable your clients to make well-informed decisions about their purchases.


Boosting sales performance with visual aids

Visual aids can help you boost your sales performance by effectively communicating your value proposition and differentiators to clients. Here are a few examples:

Demonstrating product features and benefits

Visual aids can help you demonstrate the key features of your product or service and how they can benefit your clients. For example, if you are selling a new software product, you can use screenshots and videos to show how easy it is to use and how it can save time for your clients. You can also use diagrams and charts to explain complex features and how they work.

By using visual aids to demonstrate your product's features and benefits, you can help your clients better understand what you are offering and how it can help them. This will make them more likely to purchase your product or service.

Showcasing customer testimonials and case studies

Visual aids can help you showcase customer testimonials and case studies, demonstrating real-world applications and benefits of your product or service to clients. For example, you can use videos or infographics to showcase how your product or service has helped other clients in their business. You can also use quotes and statistics from satisfied customers to build credibility and trust with new clients.

By using visual aids to showcase customer testimonials and case studies, you can help your clients see the value in your product or service and build trust in your brand.

Visualizing sales data and trends

Visual aids can help you showcase key performance indicators, sales data, and trends, making your presentation more data-driven and persuasive. For example, you can use graphs and charts to show how your sales have increased over time or how your product compares to competitors in the market.

By using visual aids to visualize sales data and trends, you can help your clients see the impact of your product or service and make more informed decisions.


Visual aids are an extremely effective tool for sales professionals to engage their customers and effectively convey their message during sales conversations. There are numerous visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations, infographics, videos, and interactive tools that can be used to make the most out of a presentation.

By simplifying complex information through the use of visual aids, customer attention can be captured and the benefits of the offered products or services can be presented. This can lead to increased sales performance and better results with customers. Sales professionals should therefore take advantage of the power of visual aids when preparing for a sales presentation to effectively convey their message.

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