
The importance of Follow-up after sales QBRs

Follow-up after sales QBRs are crucial for maintaining strong client relationships and driving business growth. Don't underestimate their importance.

Author Profile: 

Frank Welsch-Lehmann is a sales strategist and consultant with 20+ years of experience in sales pipeline management.  

Frank‘s purpose is to ensure sellers have the skills they need to win in digital markets.


Sales QBRs, or Quarterly Business Reviews, are critical for businesses to stay competitive and achieve their goals. These meetings provide a valuable opportunity for sales teams to assess their progress, set goals, and identify areas for improvement. However, the true impact of QBRs can only be realized through thorough follow-up.

Understanding Sales QBRs

In order to fully grasp the importance of follow-up after sales QBRs, it's essential to first understand what a QBR is and its components.

A sales QBR, or quarterly business review, is a meeting between a sales team and other departments within a company, such as marketing or finance, that analyze the team's performance over the past quarter. These reviews usually include presentations on sales trends, accomplishments, and areas that require improvement. The goal is to create a holistic view of the sales team's performance and align it with the company's overall goals.

QBRs are an important part of a company's sales strategy as they help to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. They also provide an opportunity for different departments within a company to collaborate and discuss ways to improve overall performance.

What are Sales QBRs?

Sales QBRs are an important part of a company's sales strategy as they provide a platform for different departments to come together and discuss the sales team's performance. These meetings are usually held quarterly and involve presentations on sales trends, accomplishments, and areas that require improvement.

During a QBR, the sales team will typically present data from the previous quarter, including sales numbers and KPIs. This data is analyzed alongside information on the competitive landscape and the current sales strategy to create a holistic view of the team's performance.

The goal of a QBR is to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. By analyzing the team's performance in this way, companies can make informed decisions on how to improve their sales strategy and align it with the company's overall goals.

Key Components of an Effective QBR

Effective QBRs are structured in a way that encourages collaboration and discussion between different departments.

They should include:

  • A review of data from the previous quarter, including sales numbers and KPIs
  • An analysis of the competitive landscape
  • Identification of areas for improvement and opportunities for growth
  • A review of the current sales strategy and its alignment with the company's overall goals

By including these key components, QBRs can provide a platform for different departments to collaborate and make informed decisions on how to improve the sales team's performance. This can lead to increased revenue, improved customer satisfaction, and a stronger overall sales strategy.


The Role of Follow-up in Sales QBRs

The success of QBRs largely depends on the follow-up actions that are taken. Without proper follow-up, the insights and actions discussed during the meeting can quickly become forgotten or lost in the daily shuffle.

Reinforcing Key Takeaways

One of the primary benefits of follow-up is reinforcing the key takeaways of the QBR, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and understands what needs to be done moving forward. This may involve scheduling additional meetings to discuss specific topics or assigning tasks to specific team members.

For example, if the QBR identified a need to improve customer retention, follow-up actions could include scheduling a meeting with the customer success team to discuss specific strategies and assigning tasks to individual team members to execute those strategies.

Ensuring Accountability and Progress

Follow-up also helps to ensure accountability and track progress towards the goals set during the QBR. Teams can use metrics and KPIs to measure their progress and address any issues that come up along the way.

For instance, if the QBR identified a need to increase sales in a specific region, follow-up actions could include assigning a sales manager to oversee the region and tracking progress through regular reports and updates.

Maintaining Open Communication Channels

Finally, follow-up helps to maintain open communication channels between different departments and team members. This ensures that issues are addressed promptly and everyone is able to work together effectively towards the company's goals.

For example, if the QBR identified a need to improve collaboration between the sales and marketing teams, follow-up actions could include scheduling regular meetings between the two teams and establishing clear communication channels for sharing information and feedback.

In conclusion, follow-up is a critical component of successful QBRs. By reinforcing key takeaways, ensuring accountability and progress, and maintaining open communication channels, teams can stay focused on their goals and work together effectively to achieve them.


Best Practices for Effective Follow-up

So, what are some best practices for effective follow-up after sales QBRs?

Effective follow-up after sales QBRs is crucial to ensure that the goals set during the review are met. By following these best practices, sales teams can stay on track and achieve success.

Scheduling Regular Check-ins

One important strategy is to schedule regular check-ins to ensure that progress is being made towards the goals set during the QBR. This can be done via email, phone calls, or in-person meetings. Regular check-ins help to keep everyone accountable and on track. It's important to set a schedule that works for everyone involved and to stick to it.

During these check-ins, it's important to review the progress made towards the goals set during the QBR. This includes discussing any challenges or roadblocks that have been encountered and coming up with solutions to overcome them.

Utilizing CRM Tools for Tracking Progress

Teams can also utilize CRM tools to help track progress and ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to action items and goals. These tools can help to streamline communication and keep everyone up to date on the progress being made. It's important to choose a CRM tool that works well for the team and to ensure that everyone is trained on how to use it effectively.

CRM tools can also help to identify areas where improvement is needed. By analyzing data, teams can pinpoint areas where they need to focus their efforts and make adjustments to their strategy.

Encouraging Collaboration and Teamwork

Finally, it's important to encourage collaboration and teamwork among team members. This can be done by assigning specific tasks to different team members and providing opportunities for cross-functional collaboration. When team members work together, they can leverage each other's strengths and skills to achieve success.

It's also important to create a culture of open communication and feedback. This allows team members to share their ideas and perspectives, which can lead to new insights and innovative solutions.

By following these best practices, sales teams can ensure that they are making progress towards their goals and achieving success. Effective follow-up after sales QBRs is key to driving growth and staying ahead of the competition.


Measuring the Impact of Follow-up on Sales Performance

Follow-up is essential for ensuring that the insights and actions discussed during sales QBRs are not forgotten about. It is an important step in the sales process that helps build trust with potential clients and can lead to increased revenue. But how can we measure the impact of follow-up on sales performance?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Track

One strategy is to track specific KPIs, such as sales numbers or leads generated, to see whether follow-up actions are having the desired impact on performance. By tracking these metrics, sales teams can identify areas where follow-up is particularly effective and areas where it may need improvement. This information can then be used to adjust sales strategies and improve overall performance.

Another KPI to consider is the response rate to follow-up efforts. This metric measures how many potential clients respond to follow-up emails or calls. A high response rate indicates that the follow-up process is working and that potential clients are interested in what the sales team has to offer.

Analyzing Sales Data for Continuous Improvement

Teams can also analyze sales data to identify trends and areas for improvement. This information can then be used to adjust sales strategies and improve follow-up practices. For example, if sales numbers are consistently low in a particular region or industry, the sales team can focus their follow-up efforts in those areas to improve performance.

Another way to analyze sales data is to look at the length of the sales cycle. By tracking how long it takes for a potential client to become a customer, sales teams can identify areas where the follow-up process may be slowing down the sales cycle. This information can then be used to streamline the follow-up process and improve overall performance.

Celebrating Successes and Learning from Challenges

Finally, it's important to celebrate successes and learn from challenges throughout the follow-up process. This can help maintain team morale and ensure that everyone remains engaged and committed to the company's goals. When a sales team reaches a milestone, such as closing a large deal, it's important to recognize and celebrate that achievement. On the other hand, when challenges arise, it's important to analyze what went wrong and learn from those experiences to improve the follow-up process in the future.

In conclusion, measuring the impact of follow-up on sales performance is essential for improving overall sales strategies and achieving company goals. By tracking KPIs, analyzing sales data, and celebrating successes and learning from challenges, sales teams can continuously improve their follow-up practices and drive increased revenue.


In conclusion, follow-up after sales QBRs is critical for ensuring that the insights and actions discussed during these meetings are not forgotten or lost in the daily shuffle. Teams can use a variety of strategies to reinforce key takeaways, track progress, and encourage collaboration and teamwork. By measuring the impact of follow-up on sales performance and continuously striving for improvement, businesses can stay competitive and achieve their goals.

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