
The role of feedback in improving sales OBRs.

Feedback is key to improving sales Outbound Business Representatives (OBRs) performance. Understanding its value can lead to increased sales success.

Author Profile: 

Frank Welsch-Lehmann is a sales strategist and consultant with 20+ years of experience in sales pipeline management.  

Frank‘s purpose is to ensure sellers have the skills they need to win in digital markets.


In the quest for improving sales performance and meeting targets, feedback is an essential component that can help sales representatives enhance their performance. Recognizing the significance of feedback and its impact on sales performance is crucial for any organization that wants to achieve excellence in its sales goals.

Understanding the importance of feedback in sales

Feedback is a critical tool for enhancing sales performance. It offers sales representatives and managers the opportunity to assess their progress, identify areas that need improvement, and adjust their approach accordingly to deliver better results. Feedback provides insights into the performance of sales representatives, identifying gaps in their skills, knowledge, and competencies, which can lead to missed opportunities and sub-optimal outcomes. For this reason, organizations must prioritize feedback as a means of enhancing the sales process.

The connection between feedback and sales performance

Feedback is directly correlated with sales performance. Regular feedback helps to reduce the gap between the desired results and what is currently being achieved. Through feedback, sales reps can understand where they are on track and where they need to improve. This allows them to focus their efforts in the right areas and address any issues before they can become a problem.

For example, if a sales rep is struggling to close deals, feedback can help to identify the root cause of the issue. Perhaps the rep needs more training on objection handling or needs to improve their product knowledge. With this feedback in mind, the sales rep can take action to improve their performance and close more deals.

Types of feedback in the sales process

There are several types of feedback that sales reps can benefit from. Constructive feedback is perhaps the most helpful as it provides guidance on how to improve. Positive feedback can also be useful in reinforcing good performance and boosting morale. Criticism should always be delivered with care and respect, given its sensitive nature.

Some examples of constructive feedback in the sales process include:

  • Providing specific examples of where the sales rep could have handled a situation better
  • Giving feedback on the sales rep's communication style
  • Offering suggestions for how the sales rep could improve their product knowledge

Positive feedback can also be valuable in the sales process. Recognizing and celebrating successes can help to boost morale and motivate sales reps to continue performing at a high level.

Encouraging a feedback culture in your sales team

Creating a feedback culture in your sales team involves creating an open and communicative work environment where everybody is heard. This should be done in such a way that feedback is seen as a positive tool for improving results, rather than something to be feared or avoided. The sales manager should lead by example and set the tone for regular feedback exchanges.

One way to encourage a feedback culture is to schedule regular one-on-one meetings between sales reps and their managers. During these meetings, the sales rep can receive feedback on their performance and discuss any challenges they are facing. This can also be an opportunity for the sales rep to provide feedback to their manager on how they can better support them in their role.

Another way to encourage a feedback culture is to provide training and resources on how to give and receive feedback effectively. This can help to ensure that feedback exchanges are productive and respectful.

In conclusion, feedback is a critical tool for enhancing sales performance. By understanding the connection between feedback and sales performance, the different types of feedback in the sales process, and how to encourage a feedback culture in your sales team, organizations can improve their sales process and achieve better results.


Implementing effective feedback strategies

Implementing effective feedback strategies is critical to the success of any sales team. Sales leaders must ensure that their team is aligned with organizational objectives and that everyone is working towards achieving the same goals. Effective feedback strategies can help identify areas of improvement, reinforce positive behavior, and motivate the team to perform at their best.

Setting clear expectations and goals

One of the most important steps in implementing effective feedback strategies is setting clear expectations and goals. Sales leaders should communicate their expectations to their team and ensure that everyone is aware of what they are working towards. Goals should be meaningful, achievable, and aligned with the broader organizational objectives. This helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that their efforts are focused on delivering the required results.

Providing timely and constructive feedback

Providing timely feedback is critical to the success of any sales team. The longer you wait, the less effective it becomes. Sales reps should receive feedback on a regular basis, either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Feedback should focus on specific areas that need improvement, provide concrete examples, and be delivered in a supportive manner. This helps to reinforce the positives and perpetuate good behavior and attitudes. It also helps to identify areas of improvement and ensure that the team is continuously improving their performance.

Utilizing technology for efficient feedback delivery

Technology can play a significant role in enhancing feedback processes. There are several tools that organizations can use to streamline feedback delivery and make it more efficient. For instance, using software tools that integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) systems can track progress and analyze feedback. Tools like Skype, Zoom, or Teams can facilitate remote feedback sessions and save time since reps can receive feedback from anywhere in the world. This can help to ensure that feedback is delivered in a timely manner and that reps have access to the support they need to improve their performance.

Balancing positive reinforcement and constructive criticism

It is essential to strike a balance between reinforcing positive behavior and providing constructive feedback. Focusing only on what's not working can lead to demoralization, frustration, and decreased motivation. Positive feedback, on the other hand, boosts reps' confidence and self-esteem, building their morale to continue improving on their work. Sales leaders should ensure that they provide both positive reinforcement and constructive criticism to help their team grow and develop.

In conclusion, implementing effective feedback strategies is critical to the success of any sales team. Sales leaders should set clear expectations and goals, provide timely and constructive feedback, utilize technology for efficient feedback delivery, and balance positive reinforcement and constructive criticism. By doing so, they can help their team to improve their performance, achieve their goals, and contribute to the success of the organization.


Measuring the impact of feedback on sales OBRs

Feedback is an essential tool for any sales team looking to improve their performance. By gathering feedback from customers, sales representatives can identify areas for improvement and take corrective action to enhance their performance. However, measuring the impact of feedback on sales success can be challenging, requiring careful analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track

Tracking performance indicators is a crucial step in measuring the impact of feedback on sales success.

Some of the KPIs that sales teams should monitor include:

  • Customer satisfaction: This metric measures how satisfied customers are with the sales team's performance. By monitoring customer satisfaction, sales teams can identify areas for improvement and take corrective action to enhance their performance.
  • Conversion rate: This metric measures the percentage of leads that convert into sales. By monitoring conversion rates, sales teams can identify areas where they need to improve their approach and take corrective action to enhance their performance.
  • Average order value: This metric measures the average value of each sale. By monitoring average order value, sales teams can identify areas where they need to focus their efforts to increase sales and revenue.
  • Average handle time: This metric measures how long it takes for a sales representative to handle a customer inquiry or issue. By monitoring average handle time, sales teams can identify areas where they need to improve their efficiency and take corrective action to enhance their performance.

Analyzing the correlation between feedback and sales success

Measuring the impact of feedback on sales success requires careful analysis of the correlation between the two variables. Sales teams should track feedback measures such as timeliness, consistency, and clarity, as well as sales indicators such as leads generated, deals closed, and revenue earned. By analyzing the correlation between these variables, sales teams can identify what works and what doesn't, making it easier to adjust their approach in the quest for continuous improvement.

Identifying areas for improvement through feedback analysis

One of the primary objectives of feedback is to identify areas for improvement. Feedback analysis involves examining feedback data to identify recurring issues or challenges that may be impacting performance. This will enable the sales team to take corrective action and improve their performance in these areas.

For example, if customers consistently provide feedback that sales representatives are not knowledgeable about the product or service they are selling, the sales team can take corrective action by providing additional training and resources to improve their knowledge and expertise. Similarly, if customers consistently provide feedback that response times are too slow, the sales team can take corrective action by implementing new processes or tools to improve response times.

By measuring the impact of feedback on sales success and taking corrective action to improve performance, sales teams can enhance their effectiveness and drive greater revenue and growth for their organization.


Overcoming common challenges in feedback implementation

Addressing resistance to feedback

Resistance to feedback is common, and sales reps may be hesitant to receive feedback for fear of being criticized or penalized. Sales leaders can mitigate this by framing feedback positively and emphasizing its potential to improve performance. It is also essential that feedback is delivered in a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental environment.

Ensuring feedback consistency and fairness

Feedback should be consistent and fair to build trust and ensure that everyone is being evaluated on the same criteria. This can be achieved by implementing a standard evaluation process and communicating it clearly to everyone. Alternatively, teams can leverage feedback automation tools to standardize the process while ensuring timely and accurate feedback delivery.

Navigating difficult feedback conversations

Delivering negative feedback can be challenging, especially when it concerns personal issues such as lack of productivity, poor sales performance, or underachievement. To navigate such situations, managers should prepare their communication thoroughly, focusing on the facts, staying objective, and using specific examples to illustrate their points. Managers should also offer solutions to help the sales rep improve their performance.


In conclusion, feedback is a critical tool for improving sales performance and achieving sales goals. The sales team should embrace feedback as a positive tool for personal and professional improvement, and leaders should prioritize it by creating a feedback culture, defining goals and expectations, and delivering feedback regularly and constructively. By doing so, organizations can improve their sales QBRs, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve long-term growth.


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